Traceability 101: An Introduction to Food Supply Chain Traceability
January 22, 2020
Bryan Hitchcock, Institute of Food Technologies (IFT), Global food traceability center, Senior Director of Food Chain and Executive Director of GFTC; and
Thomas Burke, Institute of Food Technologist (I FT) Global food traceability center, Food Traceability and Safety Scientist
According to IFT, there has been significant progress in the area of food traceability in recent years. Several food sectors have elevated the importance of traceability and begun to implement programs in support within their supply chains. Research has identified the beneficial relationship between effective traceability and food security, sustainability, safety, defense, and protection. From carrying out targeted recalls to preventing food waste, traceability is viewed as an essential prerequisite to better supply chain management. This webinar will provide an overview of what is working and challenges remain.