FDA retail food training
FDA’s Office of Training Education and Development (OTED) provides free training to state, local and tribal regulatory partners.
FD112 — Food Code
Start | End | Location | Registration Details |
TBD | TBD | TBD | Learn More |
Visit the NEHA website for the latest information
This course is designed to be offered in a face-to-face instructor-led (2.5 days) or in a virtual instructor-led (vILT) (3 days) modality. The specific course announcement will provide details for each class offering. This ILT/vILT course covers the requirements and guidance provided in the 2017 FDA Model Food Code and its associated Public Health Reasons to prepare regulators for application of the Food Code to retail food and food service establishments. The course builds on the online module’s topics including management duties and responsibilities, employee health, food, equipment, water, plumbing, waste, physical facilities, poisonous/toxic materials, compliance and enforcement. Focus of the synchronous segment is to highlight updates of the Food Code and to practice and discuss topics in context. Methods of instruction include lectures, discussions and exercises with scenarios applying various sections of the Food Code and Annexes.
FD207 — Plan Review
Start | End | Location | Registration Details |
TBD | TBD | TBD | Learn More |
Visit the NEHA website for the latest information
The goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive overview of the plan review process for retail food establishments with an emphasis on equipment and architectural design.
FD215 — Managing Retail Food Safety
Start | End | Location | Registration Details |
03/10/25 | 03/14/25 | Virtual | Course Announcement |
03/17/25 | 03/21/25 | Train-the-Trainer Session (Virtual) | TBD |
04/14/25 | 04/18/25 | Virtual | Course Announcement |
04/28/25 | 05/02/25 | Albany, NY | Course Announcement |
05/12/25 | 05/16/25 | Train-the-Trainer Session (Virtual) | TBD |
5/19/25 | 5/23/25 | Virtual | Course Announcement |
*Please download the Registration Form and open it in Adobe Reader. Contact Randy Young (ryoung@afdo.org) if you cannot open the Registration Form.
About the Course
This course is designed to allow participants an opportunity to explore the various ways that risk-based inspections can be applied in retail and food service establishments.
Topics will include the “process approach” to HACCP, applications of HACCP principles in routine inspection work, and assessing active managerial control of risk factors by operators through a HACCP system or other established food safety systems. While the process approach is new to many regulators, it is better designed for use in retail and food service settings than traditional HACCP approaches because it eliminates lengthy flow charting and hazard analysis for every type of food product.
FD218 — Risk-Based Inspection Methods in Retail
Start | End | Location | Registration Details |
03/10/25 | 03/14/25 | Virtual | Course Announcement |
03/17/25 | 03/21/25 | Train-the-Trainer Session (Virtual) | TBD |
03/31/25 | 04/04/25 | Virtual | Course Announcement |
04/21/25 | 04/25/25 | Virtual | Course Announcement |
04/28/25 | 05/02/25 | Albany, NY | Course Announcment |
05/12/25 | 05/16/25 | Train-the-Trainer Session (Virtual) | TBD |
06/09/25 | 06/13/25 | Virtual | Pre-Register |
*Please download the Registration Form and open it in Adobe Reader. Contact Randy Young (ryoung@afdo.org) if you cannot open the Registration Form.
About the Course
This workshop builds upon concepts learned in FD215 Managing Retail Food Safety and is designed to further enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of food safety inspection officers in conducting risk-based inspections.
FD312 — Special Processes at Retail
Start | End | Location | Registration Details |
TBD | TBD | TBD | Learn More |
Visit the NEHA website for the latest information
This course explores the specific types of food processing in retail food establishments which are required by the FDA Food Code to have a variance and mandatory Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) plan.
FD204 — Temporary Food Establishments
Start | End | Location | Registration Details |
TBD | TBD | TBD | Learn More |
Start | End | Location | Registration Details |
TBD | TBD | TBD | Learn More |