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Course Audit Workgroup

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Mission Statement

To verify that courses and training meet the requirements of the SHA protocols and ensure a standard quality of education.

Workgroup Responsibilities & Duties

Determine a system and process for auditing SHA training.

Workgroup Size Limitations (or other requirements)

There is a limit of 5 people.

Workgroup Level of Commitment

One hour per month.

Workgroup Term Limits

There is no term limit.

Workgroup Meeting Frequency

Meet quarterly.

Workgroup Minutes

The chair will record minutes and share them with AFDO and SHA.

Workgroup Resources

Funding for auditor stipend.

Workgroup Lead

Jason Bolton, Ph.D., Associate Dean and Program Leader for Food and Nutrition, University of Maine Cooperative Extension; Innovation Program Area Coordinator, University of Maine Business School

Workgroup Members

Debra DeVlieger, Food Safety Consultant/Retired National Food Expert, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – Retired

Eugene Evans, Superising Food Inspector, New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSAGM)

Jennifer Guttuso, Supervisory Consumer Safety Officer, Office of Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Katie Stolte-Carroll, Institute Associate, George Washington University

Tania Martinez, President, Demos Global Group Inc

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