Raw Milk Outbreaks
Below is a list of articles, research, and studies linked to Foodborne Outbreaks due to Raw Milk
- 2024 E. Coli Outbreak Linked to Raw Milk Consumption
- Bird Flu Detected in Raw Milk Sold at California Store
- Campylobacteriosis Outbreak Associated with Unpasteurized Milk
- Connecticut Issues Recall of Raw Milk from Nature View Dairy
- Deadly Disease Caused by Raw Milk
- Disease Outbreaks Linked to Pasteurized and Unpasteurized Dairy Products
- Dozens Were Sickened with Salmonella After Drinking Raw Milk From a California Farm
- Drinking Raw Milk Caused Campylobacter Infectious Outbreak
- E. Coli Outbreak Linked to Raw Milk Cheese
- Foodborne Illness Outbreaks linked to Unpasteurized Milk 1998-2018
- Foodborne Illness Outbreaks Linked to Unpasteurized Milk
- Health Officials Investigate Outbreak Linked to Raw Milk
- Health Officials Investigating Outbreak Linked to Raw Milk
- Increased Outbreaks Associated with Non-pasteurized Milk 2007-2012
- Investigating Outbreak Linked to Raw Milk
- Latest on the Raw Farm Milk Salmonella Outbreak
- Outbreaks Associated with Unpasteurized Milk and Soft Cheese
- Overview of Illnesses Associated with Raw Milk Consumption
- Raw Milk Outbreak Sickens Eight Children
- Raw Milk Outbreaks in Oregon and Missouri
- Recall of Raw Milk; Two Human Cases of Campylobacter
- Real Life Stories – The Dangers of Raw Milk
- Recent Illness Outbreak From Raw Milk in Pennsylvania
- Salmonella Outbreak Tied to Raw Milk Products
- Tennessee E. Coli Outbreak Linked to Raw Milk From Multistate Cow-Share
- Unpasteurized Dairy Products and Disease Outbreaks
- Utah Officials Identify Source of Raw Cow’s Milk Linked to Illness Outbreak