Laws and Regulations Committee Update 5/17 – 5/18, 2018
May 17, 2018
Federal Register
Environmental Protection Agency
Proposed Rules
Pesticide Petitions Filed for Residues of Pesticide Chemicals in or on Various Commodities
Filed on: 05/17/2018 at 08:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 05/18/2018
FR Document: 2018-10692 PDF 12 Pages (261 KB) Permalink
FDA Expands Data Dashboard to Include FSMA
Date | Brand Name | Product Description | Reason/Problem | Company |
05/16/2018 | The Peruchef | Dry potato” and “Papa Seca Serrana” | Undeclared sulfites | Mas Food Services Co. |
Blount Fine Foods Recalls Chicken Tortilla Soup Products Due To Misbranding And An Undeclared Allergen
Kent Quality Foods, Inc. Recalls Hot Dog and Sausage Products Due to Misbranding and an Undeclared Allergen
How are serving sizes expressed on the label?
What increments are used for the serving sizes and servings per container?
Can the term “portion size” continue to be used?
USDA Announces Plant Variety Protection Board Appointments
@FDAfood, @US_FDA, @SGottliebFDA, @FDA_ORA, @FDAMedia, @FDAanimalhealth, @FDArecalls
- E. coli outbreak linked to romaine lettuce continues. Do not eat or buy ANY type of #romaine lettuce unless you can confirm it is not from the Yuma, Arizona growing region.
- Mas Food Services Co. Issues Allergy Alert on Undeclared Sulfites in The Peruchef Dry Potato
- While CDC recently updated the case count for the salmonella outbreak in eggs, these are old cases meaning the last new illness was from last month (April 14, 2018).
- It’s #NationalHamburgerMonth– Top your burger with whatever you want, but make sure the inside is cooked – for burgers at least 160ºF. #FoodSafety
- FDA & CDC remind consumers to not eat any of the recalled eggs from Rose Acre Farms. These eggs were recalled April 13 & 16 so stores should not have them for purchase. Eggs last about three weeks – consumers should check they don’t have recalled eggs.
- #FDA inspected Rose Acre Farms last month and the company is taking corrective action. FDA is monitoring to ensure the appropriate action takes place.
- Federal health officials updated consumer advice today because it is highly unlikely that romaine lettuce from the Yuma growing region is still in the supply chain:
- We know romaine lettuce has not been shipped from the Yuma area since mid-April. Consumers can be confident that romaine currently available for purchase is not part of this outbreak investigation:
- #FDA ruled out that the contamination was caused by just one farm suggesting it was a complex problem and will take further time to investigate Our goal is to find the source of this outbreak. We’ll use what we learn to improve our food safety system
May 18, 2018
Federal Register
Final Determinations:
Partially Hydrogenated Oils
Filed on: 05/18/2018 at 08:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 05/21/2018
FR Document: 2018-10714 PDF 7 Pages (108 KB) Permalink
Proposed Rules
Food Additive Petitions:
Grocery Manufacturers Association
Filed on: 05/18/2018 at 08:45 am Scheduled Pub. Date: 05/21/2018
FR Document: 2018-10715 PDF 39 Pages (345 KB) Permalink
Date | Brand Name | Product Description | Reason/Problem | Company |
05/17/2018 | 7K and Poseidon | 7K and Poseidon 4500 Dietary Supplements | Undeclared Sildenafil and Tadalafil | Shoreside Enterprises |
05/17/2018 | Priano | Rosso Pesto Sauce | May contain undeclared milk and egg | BLM Products U. Vertriebsges |
Use of New/Revised Export Certificates (FSIS Forms 9060-5 and 9060-5S), Continuation Sheets (FSIS Forms 9060-5A and 9060-5B) and Application for Export (FSIS Form 9060-6)
- Constituent Update – March 16, 2018
- Constituent Update – March 23, 2018
New FSIS Security Paper and Seven Digit Export Stamp for Use With the Export Module of the Public Health Information System
Noncompliance records (NR) Association – PHIS task code
Designing a Sanitation SOP Daily Record
Pet Food in Federal Establishment – Hours of Inspection
Crude oil contamination
HACCP Recordkeeping
Is the gram equivalent weight of the ounce 28 grams or the commonly used un-rounded value of 28.35 grams?
“Frenching” a Veal Rack
USDA Appoints Peanut Standards Board Members
Notice of Amendment to Section 25705 no Significant Risk Level for Vinylidene Chloride
@FDAfood, @US_FDA, @SGottliebFDA, @FDA_ORA, @FDAMedia, @FDAanimalhealth, @FDArecalls
- UPDATE on Romaine Lettuce: It is highly unlikely that product from the Yuma growing region is still in the supply chain. Consumers can be confident that romaine currently available for purchase is not part of the investigation. FDA continues to investigate
- E. coli update: The last romaine lettuce shipments from the Yuma growing region were harvested on April 16 and are now past their 21-day shelf life. The romaine lettuce being sold and served today is NOT the romaine linked to illnesses.
- BLM Issues Allergy Alert On Undeclared Egg and Milk
- Shoreside Enterprises Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of 7K and Poseidon 4500 (Extreme 1000 Mg) Due to Presence of Undeclared Sildenafil and Tadalafil
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