Retail HACCP Plan Review Service

Service for Retail Food Establishments and the Jurisdictions That Regulate Them

AFDO Retail HACCP Plan Review Service

Service for Retail Food Establishments and the Jurisdictions that Regulate Them

Canned Food processing requires a Retail HACCP Plan

AFDO offers centralized review of Retail HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) plans. This service is available to retail food establishments and to state, local, territorial, and tribal jurisdictions. Plans are reviewed according to the most current version of the FDA Model Food Code.

A Retail HACCP plan is a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating, and controlling food safety hazards in retail food establishments such as grocery stores, supermarkets, and restaurants. A Retail HACCP plan review is the evaluation of a specialized process implemented by retail establishments to ensure the safety of the food products they handle and sell to consumers.

The goal of a HACCP plan is to prevent foodborne illnesses by focusing on the critical control points in the process where hazards could occur and implementing measures to control them. Regulatory agencies require the review and maintenance of Retail HACCP plans to ensure food safety. These agencies enforce regulations that mandate regular review, updates, and verification of HACCP plans to comply with food safety standards.

Sprout and bean processing requires a Retail HACCP Plan
Reduced Oxygen Packaging (ROP) for raw proteins requires a Retail HACCP Plan

How It Works

You submit a HACCP Plan for initial review, free of charge.

You must complete our customer intake form to provide information about your establishment, its location, as well as your HACCP plan* and all supporting documents. Download the Checklist of HACCP Plan Requirements.

Submit Your Plan
*The use of templates is encouraged but not required. Free templates can be found here.

We check your submission for completeness.

During our initial review, we’ll perform a clerical check of your submission to ensure it’s complete, current, and relevant to your establishment’s processes. If key information is missing, we’ll identify the gaps and provide a secure method for you to submit the necessary documentation to complete your plan.

After initial review, you’ll proceed to payment.

After our clerical check, we’ll notify you when your plan is ready for the full review process and provide payment instructions. To proceed, you’ll need to accept the terms and conditions and pay the non-refundable fees as outlined in the fee schedule.

View Pricing

Your Plan will be fully vetted and reviewed within 6 months*.

The full Retail HACCP Plan review will commence upon receipt of payment. Our process begins with an initial review to ensure all required documentation is present and accurate. This is followed by a comprehensive regulatory review and, if necessary, a scientific review. A structured approach allows us to complete the review within the guaranteed timeframe. However, please note that complex reviews may require additional time. In cases where the review exceeds six months due to delays on AFDO’s part, we may waive the extension fee. Our goal is to provide a thorough and efficient review process while accommodating any unforeseen complexities or delays.

What is the cost of a Retail HACCP Plan Review?

For one establishment
For a single establishment
For 2 to 10 establishments
For two to 10 establishments
For 2 to 10 establishments
For 11 or more establishments
All fees are non-refundable. One HACCP plan per request, including similar processes with substantially the same risk(s).

Expedited Reviews

For expedited processing, the cost will be double, as a fee equal to the original will be added.

Review Extensions

Establishments engaged in the review process have the option to extend the standard six-month review period if needed. Extensions are available in three-month increments for a fee of $250 each, with a maximum total extension of one year. This flexibility allows for thorough completion of more complex reviews. However, it’s important to note that if AFDO experiences delays in providing service, resulting in a review period exceeding six months, the extension fee may be waived. This policy ensures fairness to establishments while maintaining the integrity of the review process.

Not sure if you’re ready to get started?

There are free HACCP templates and guidance available to use. If you are creating a new HACCP plan, these templates are invaluable when getting started. Using templates also helps speed up the review process. Other formats are accepted as long as all the required components are addressed.

Frequently Asked Questions

One month: AFDO performs initial review

Three months: AFDO target to complete review

Six months: Review closes unless an extension (up to 12 months total) is requested and approved

The Retail HACCP Plan Checklist helps you prepare your HACCP plan for submission, following the FDA Model Food Code. We encourage you to use our free guidance resources (available here) to assist in preparing or editing your HACCP plan.

Once the review is completed, AFDO issues a Final Review Letter. A retail food establishment would then forward this letter to its jurisdiction to request approval of the HACCP plan or for a variance from required plans. In the case of a jurisdiction requesting an AFDO HACCP Plan Review, the Final Review Letter would be returned to the jurisdiction.

The Final Review Letter verifies that a Retail HACCP Plan has been reviewed and meets the major requirements of FDA Model Food Code. A jurisdiction may accept the Final Review Letter as an independent review. Where state or local rules are more stringent than FDA Model Food Code, the Final Review Letter can assist in ensuring that food safety hazards are controlled.

Variance requests are handled by regulatory agencies rather than AFDO. The establishment may have to submit a separate variance request to its jurisdiction after the HACCP plan is reviewed by AFDO.

Once a HACCP plan has been approved by a jurisdiction, the establishment must not change or modify the approved plan without approval from its jurisdiction. The establishment is responsible for requesting another review of the HACCP plan prior to implementing any changes or modifications in its operations.

AFDO will review each HACCP Plan according to the most current version of FDA Model Food Code. This review does not include any state or local regulatory requirements that lie outside the FDA Model Food Code.

A CCP is the abbreviated way of saying “critical control point.” It is a point, process, or step applied during a food process to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard, which is reasonably likely to occur, or to reduce it to an acceptable level. Examples of CCPs include the cold storage temperature of cook-chill vegetable soup or the final pH and water activity of mixed berry jelly.

Establishments should expect that their HACCP plan and records to be reviewed during inspections. Documents and records included are:

  • HACCP Plan
  • AFDO Final Review Letter
  • Written approval (and variance) from jurisdiction
  • Procedures to monitor critical control points (CCP)
  • Records of CCP monitoring
  • Verification that the operation or process is effective
  • Corrective actions taken for CCP failures
  • HACCP training records

Want to access essential guidelines and Q&A on HACCP plans, including requirements for specialized food processes, safety tips, and regulatory insights? Check out the HACCP Plans for Specialized Processes Guide, and the Specialized Processes Guide Q&A.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please email and put Retail HACCP Plan Assistance Request in the subject line. A member of the review team will be in contact shortly to help.