125th AFDO Annual Educational Conference

This event has ended

Conference Dates

Dates: June 14 – 18, 2021
Location: Virtual Conference
Time: 12:00pm – 4:30pm EST Each Day

Online Registration Has Closed

Registration Fees

Individual: $75.00
Group 0-10: $300
Group 11-25: $600
Group Over 26: $1,000

Getting In the Conference Instructions

Locate the email from 125th AFDO Annual Educational Conference <no-reply@pathable.com> and click on the personalized link to create your account in the conference website. If you cannot find this email, please email afdo@afdo.org · Bookmark the website (https://125afdo.cd.pathable.com/) and save your website log-in information for quick access the day of the meeting.

  1. Update your profile, upload a picture and check out the conference’s easy to use website!

To join the conference, follow these steps:

· Log into the conference website (https://125afdo.cd.pathable.com/) using Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers (not Internet Explorer or Safari).

· Go to Schedule > Agenda, click on the session and look for the ‘Join Meeting’ button

o IMPORTANT: the Join Meeting link will not become live until 1 minute before each session starts (11:59 Eastern).

o Coffee Talk will start at 12:00 Eastern/9:00 Pacific. Sessions will start promptly at 12:30/9:30.

o We recommend you log into the website 15 minutes before the meeting starts, and keep the webpage for the session open while you wait for the ‘Join Meeting’ button to pop up. It should refresh automatically, but if it gets to be 11:59 Eastern and the button isn’t there, hit refresh on the page.

Please reach out to afdo@afdo.org with any questions.

About the Conference

Though hosted as a virtual conference during the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference partners with different regional AFDO affiliates to present this learning experience in a different large metropolitan area each year. For five days each June when meeting in person, the AFDO AEC is center of the food and medical product safety world for five days for professionals from government, states, academia, consumer groups and manufacturing.

Subject matter experts convene for the annual education conference willing to share their knowledge. Dozens, yes dozens, of national and international experts are available on more than 40 topics in the food safety and medical products arena.

AFDO also hosts pre-conference in depth workshops and training opportunities on a broad number of topics adjacent to the annual conference. A special first-time attendees session and communications help newcomers make the most of their conference experience. View more information here


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

12:00PM – 12:30PM EST – Coffee Talk / Networking

12:30PM – 12:45PM EST – Announcements & Awards

  • Mark Sestak, AFDO President and Deputy Director, Division of Food, Milk, & Lodging,  Alabama Department of Public Health

12:45PM – 1:05PM EST – U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Update on Food Policy & Response

  • Frank Yiannas, Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

1:05PM – 1:25PM EST – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Foodborne Illness Initiatives

  • Dr. Robert Tauxe, Director Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases, Center for Disease Control

1:25PM – 1:45PM EST – United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Safety Initiatives

  • Sandra Eskin, Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety, U.S. Department of Agriculture

1:45PM – 2:30PM EST – Joint Question and Answer with FDA, CDC and USDA

  • Frank Yiannas, Deputy Commissioner for Food Policy and Response, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Dr. Robert Tauxe, Director Division of Foodborne, Waterborne, and Environmental Diseases, Center for Disease Control
  • Sandra Eskin, Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety, U.S. Department of Agriculture

2:30PM – 3:00PM EST – Mexico’s roles and responsibilities and the strategies being used to address foodborne illnesses, both within Mexico and that also benefit the United States

  • QFB Amada Velez Mendez, General Director of Food Safety, Aquaculture and Fisheries, SENASICA

3:00PM – 3:30PM EST – Kilpatrick Address

3:30PM – 4:30PM EST – COVID-19 Impacts with Industry & Regulatory Panel

  • Charles Becoat, Deputy Program Director, Office of Human and Animal Foods Operations-East, Office of Regulatory Affairs, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • John Burr, Food Safety Program Manager, Oregon Department of Agriculture
  • Sandra Craig, Director, Division of Food and Lead Risk Assessments, South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control
  • Judi Lazaro, Senior Category Director, Food Safety, AIB International
  • Jimena Loveluck, Health Officer, Washtenaw County Health Department
  • Mandy Sedlak, Senior Food Safety and Public Health Manager for EcoSure, an Ecolab Division
  • Randy Treadwell, Manager, Rapid Response & Emergency Management Program, Washington State Department of Agriculture

7:00 – 9:30PM EST – AFDO 125th Birthday Bash — A Celebration Benefiting the AFDO Endowment Foundation
$$ Ticket required – Learn more and get tickets here.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

12:30PM – 2:30PM EST – Building An Effective Multi-Generational Workplace Exercises

Join speaker Jeff Butler for this engaging workshop with strategies to implement the concepts presented in his keynote presentation Building An Effective Multi-Generational Workplace.  You’ll get guidance, support and advice to develop your approaches to managing these four generations under one roof. Butler’s workshop is backed by a decade of psychological research, insights about what motivates each generation, their differences, and communication styles. You’ll find specific actionable steps to manage your cross-generational challenges and turn your multigenerational workforce into a competitive advantage. It is suggested that you attend Butler’s keynote presentation but its not required.

Jeff Butler, Author, Workplace Generation Expert and Technology Speaker, JButler International

3:00PM – 4:30PM EST – REPEAT Multigenerational Management

Join speaker Jeff Butler for this engaging workshop with strategies to implement the concepts presented in his keynote presentation Building An Effective Multi-Generational Workplace.  You’ll get guidance, support and advice to develop your approaches to managing these four generations under one roof. Butler’s workshop is backed by a decade of psychological research, insights about what motivates each generation, their differences, and communication styles. You’ll find specific actionable steps to manage your cross-generational challenges and turn your multigenerational workforce into a competitive advantage. It is suggested that you attend Butler’s keynote presentation but its not required.

Jeff Butler, Author, Workplace Generation Expert and Technology Speaker, JButler International

12:30PM – 1:15PM EST – The Time is Now

As we head into Summer 2021, it seems we have one foot still in ‘Pandemic Mode’ while the other foot wants to run full-speed into the comfort of simpler operations, which for now only exists as an idea in our minds.

Beyond the tangible challenges brought on by this last year’s events, we’re feeling the effects of the prolonged mental strain with our staff, families, and in our own minds. Gone unaddressed, it’s only a matter of time until we’re faced with a larger mental health crisis; yet while the future remains uncertain, there is a better way to feel supported in the midst of a proverbial tug-of-war between now and ‘someday when’.

Author, business consultant, and The Goal Next Door Podcast’s Amanda Ferris explores how to navigate Mental Well Being during this in-between time for yourself and team, using accessible technology and connecting with Mental Health experts from anywhere.

Drawing from her experience and passion for improved Mental Health in the workplace and twenty-plus years in the hospitality industry, Amanda shares how we can start to experience real results NOW, stop struggling so hard to get through each day, and provide the right support for our team- instead of allowing unresolved challenges to put us at risk and negatively impact our bottom line.

  • Amanda Ferris, Business Consultant, Author, Host of The Goal Next Door Podcast,, Amiracore

1:15PM – 2:00PM EST – Iowa DIA Severe Flooding

In the spring of 2019, extensive flooding took place in Southwest Iowa along the Missouri River, due to levee breaches stemming from heavy rains and rapid snowmelt.  In response to this event, the Iowa Rapid Response Team (RRT) activated the Incident Command Structure (ICS), collaborating with multiple agencies both on the local level, as well as on the national level.

This presentation provides a timeline of events, information on collaboration with agencies such as Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR), and the field staff’s efforts to provide education and guidance to the communities affected by the flooding.

  • Thao Schlichte, Rapid Response Team (RRT) Coordinator, Iowa Department of Inspections & Appeals
  • Tenesha Stubblefield, Consumable Hemp Program Lead, Iowa Department of Inspections & Appeals, Food and Consumer Safety Bureau

2:00PM – 3:00PM EST – Feeding People during the Pandemic

Due to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, jobs have been lost, schools, senior centers, and restaurants have been closed which has caused a drastic increase in the number of people facing hunger.  Nonprofits, charities, and cities had to adapt to keep feeding people during the pandemic. This panel will discuss some of the novel efforts of charitable food organizations and their hunger relief partners to address this matter during these troubling times.


Randy Treadwell, Manager, Rapid Response & Emergency Management Program, Washington State Department of Agriculture


  • Kim Eads, Food Assistance Program Manager, Washington State Department of Agriculture 
  • Wayne Melichar, Managing Director of Food Safety, Feeding America
  • Trevor Turner, Chief Operations Officer, Food Bank of Delaware. 
  • Mike Weitzel; Director of Military Support, Washington National Guard

3:30PM – 4:30PM EST – Global Coordination of Food Supply (General) During the Pandemic

Susan Bond, Vice President, Regulatory & Scientific Affairs

  • Dr. Joleen Hadrich, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota
  • Philip Lobo, Director of Feed Utilization, SmithBucklin/United Soybean Board
  • Tom Madrecki, Vice President, Supply Chain and Logistics, Consumer Brands Association
  • Tamara Nelsen, Executive Director, Minnesota AgriGrowth Council 
  • Ruth Petran, Senior Advisor, Food Safety, The Acheson Group & Ruth Petran Consulting, LLC
  • Joe Scimeca, Senior Vice President, Regulatory & Scientific Affairs, International Dairy Foods Association

12:30PM – 12:45PM EST – Welcome and Session Moderator:

  • Elizabeth Wirsing, MPH, Senior Environmental Health Program Manager, Vermont Department of Health

12:45PM – 2:00PM EST  – Be Smart and be a Part(ner) of the New Era of Food Safety

WE NEED YOU!!! As a key stakeholder we want you to be a part of this cutting edge strategy to leverage resources from FDA, CDC, food industries, and the Retail Regulatory Association Collaborative (AFDO, NEHA, NACCHO, CFP) With this kind of fire power, we will be able to change the trajectory in reducing risk factors and decrease food borne illness outbreaks. But it will take all of us working in unison. This inter-active “mini workshop” will focus on the New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blue Print deliverables and the Retail Food Safety Regulatory Association Cooperative Agreement objectives. Together we can make a difference!


  • Traci Michelson, Food Safety Manager, McDonald’s


  • Chris Smith, Retail Food Branch Director, Director, Office of State Cooperative Programs, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Brenda Bacon, Vice Chair, The Conference for Food Protection, Harris Teeter LLC
  • Chelsea Gridley-Smith, PhD, Director, Environmental Health, National Association of County and City Health Officials 
  • Laura Wildey, Senior Program Analyst, Food Safety, National Environmental Health Association
  • Elizabeth Nutt, Retail Food Safety Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials

2:00PM – 2:15PM EST  – Break

2:15PM – 3:15PM EST – Virtual Reality Retail Audits and Inspections During COVID-19

We are taking a 360 Approach to Retail Virtual Inspections (RVI)! Have you ever seen dueling banjos or dueling pianos? Well, this session has that same rhythm and excitement as some of the strongest professionals in our country share the ups and downs of RVI. They will use data to illustrate what works and what does not! Panelists will uncover public health lessons learned and celebrate best practices that can be used immediately after this session. What will the future look like after COVID? Will we continue to use RVI or get back to business as usual? Join us and be a part of this discussion!


Tara Paster Cammarata, President/CEO, Paster Training, Inc.

3:15PM – 3:30PM EST – Break

3:30PM – 4:30PM EST – Lace Up Your Slip Resistant Boots and Solve an Outbreak!

Please join us for this interactive session where you will have the opportunity to participate in play-by-play outbreak responses through the environmental perspective. During this session two real-life foodborne outbreak scenarios will be presented in chronological order. As the outbreak is presented, you will have the opportunity to respond to what the next action steps should be and discuss the rationale behind these steps. We will explore topics like the differences between EA’s and routine inspections, differences between EA’s initiated by consumer complaints verses EA’s initiated by pathogen surveillance, and the variance in the EA approach depending on the suspected or confirmed pathogen. So lace up your slip resistant boots and step into the mind of an environmental outbreak investigator and let’s solve some outbreaks!


Melissa Vaccaro, Vice President of Consulting, Paster Training, Inc.


  • Veronica Bryant, REHS, Emergency Preparedness and Outbreak Coordinator, Division of Public Health, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
  • Douglas Irving (DJ), Environmentalist, Tennessee Department of Health

12:30PM – 2:00PM EST – How States are Handling Mixed-Type Facilities

The panel will discuss the processes their state is using for determining when a CFR 112 or CFR 117 inspection is required, what an inspection looks like when it involves two food programs, how they communicate and coordinate with another food program outside their agency,  MOUs, types of education being provided to farms regarding mixed-type facilities, and more.


Abbey Willard, Agriculture Development Director, Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food & Markets


  • Valerie Gamble, Produce Safety Program Manager, Minnesota Department of Agriculture
  • Aaron Finley, Produce Safety Program Office Administrator, New York Department of Agriculture & Markets
  • Karen Ullmann, Education and Outreach Coordinator, Washington State Department of Agriculture
  • Anita MacMullan, Division Director, North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Food and Drug Protection Division

2:00PM – 3:30PM EST – States Requiring Farm Registration

States discuss the registration process required under their produce program authority, how registration has benefited their program, challenges faced during the legislative process, considerations for other states and lessons learned.


Erik Bungo, Produce Safety Program Supervisor, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services


  • Michael Botelho, Produce Safety Division Director, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
  • Molly Gillingham, Administrative Officer, Maryland Department of Agriculture
  • Mark Reed, Program Safety Program Manager, Kentucky Department of Agriculture
  • Ananda Fraser, Produce Safety Program Coordinator, Rhode Island State Department of Environmental Management

3:30PM – 4:30PM EST – State Compliance and Enforcement Strategies

States discuss the authorities they have for enforcement, the classification status system used on inspection reports, details in their Compliance and Enforcement SOPs, correspondence communication after an inspection, and more.


Abbey Willard, Agriculture Development Director, Vermont Agency of Agriculture Food & Markets


  • Erik Bungo, Produce Safety Program Supervisor, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
  • Valerie Gamble, Produce Safety Program Manager, Minnesota Department of Agriculture 
  • Steve Schirmer, Produce Safety Field Administrator, New York Department of Agriculture & Markets
  • Rene Nieto, Produce Safety Outreach Specialist, Texas Department of Agriculture

12:30PM – 12:45PM EST – Welcome and Session Moderator:

  • Laurel Arrigona, Regulatory Affairs Rep. 2, Smith + Nephew, Co-Chair, AFDO Body Art Committee; Co-Chair, Body Art Education Alliance

12:45PM – 1:45PM EST –   FDA Microbiological Surveys of Tattoo Ink and PMU, Microbial Contamination, and Claims of Sterility

This talk will give an update of FDA microbiological surveys of tattoo ink and permanent make up (PMU), including presentation on tattoo ink’s microbiological contaminants, their prevalence and identification, and discussion of tattoo ink labeling claims of sterility. Apart from a brief presentation of FDA’s legal authority over tattoo inks and PMUs and past adverse events associated with tattooing, the talk will discuss tattoo ink recalls, FDA’s regulatory actions, and microbiological safety of tattoo inks and PMUs.


  • Goran Periz, Biologist, Center for Food Safety and Nutrition, Office of Cosmetics, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

1:45PM – 2:30PM EST – Medical Application of Tattoos

Although intradermal tattoos are best known in the domain of body art, they also have a variety of biomedical applications. While ordinary tattoo pigments have been used for decades in medical aesthetics and surgical procedures, a new wave of biomedical tattoo inks with specialized functions is on the rise, driven by innovations in nanotechnology. This session will provide an overview of the past, current, and future applications of tattooing in biomedicine.


  • Carson Bruns, PhD, Assistant Professor University of Colorado, Boulder

2:30PM – 2:45PM EST – Break

2:45PM – 3:15PM EST – European Tattoo Regulation

  • Jorgen Serup, MD,

3:15PM – 4:30PM EST – Body Art Inspection Tips and Things to Look For

This presentation will walk you through a typical body art facility inspection. We will focus on tips and tricks for areas of consistent difficulties that inspectors run into nationwide. We will go over piercing and tattooing inspection details, and touch on other procedures that you may run into including but not limited to: permanent makeup, suspensions, scarification, & branding.

  • Katherine Martinez, REHS, Sanitarian Specialist, Kent County, Michigan
  • Jodi Zimmerman, MPH, REHS, Registered Environmental Health Specialist, El Paso County Public Health

Thursday, June 17, 2021

12:30PM – 1:30PM EST – Manufactured Food Virtual Assessments, Inspections and Audits

Progress is often borne out of necessity.  COVID-19 raised inspectional and audit challenges that compelled regulatory programs and industry to look for new ways to assess compliance and share sensitive information remotely.  This session will discuss some of the progress made related to virtual inspections and audits and the electronic sharing of documents in a secure manner.


  • Brandon Headlee, Director of Quality (Global Auditing), ConAgra Brands
  • Courtney Pierson, Food Processing District Manager for the Food Safety & Lodging Program, Kansas Department of Agriculture
  • Patrick Kennelly, Program Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials

1:30PM – 2:30PM EST – Achieving Healthy People 2030 Foodborne Illness Reduction Objectives

  • Denise Eblen, Assistant Administrator, Office: Office of Public Health Science, U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Ernest Julian, Co-Chair, Healthy People 2030 Foodborne Illness Reduction Committee and Co-Chair, Healthy People 2030 Produce Workgroup, Retired, RI Dept. of Health
  • Jennifer McEntire, Healthy People 2030: Fresh Produce, United Fresh Produce Association
  • Erik Mettler, Assistant Commissioner for Partnerships and Policy, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Beth Wittry, Environmental Health Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

2:30PM – 3:30PM EST – Conducting Successful Foodborne Illness Investigations

Learn strategies and best practices used by states for the most successful foodborne illness outbreak investigations.

Moderator: Steven Mandernach, Executive Director, Association of Food and Drug Officials

  • Doug Dyer, HE Investigator III, Public Health-Seattle & King County
  • Douglas Irving (DJ), Environmentalist, Tennessee Department of Health
  • Brendalee Viveiros, Principal Public Health Promotion Specialist/RRT Supervisor, Rhode Island Department of Health

3:30PM – 4:30PM EST – Nationwide Cyclospora and Virginia Cyclospora Outbreaks

  • Kelsey Holloman, MPH, Foodborne Disease Epidemiologist, Virginia Department of Health
  • Katherine Kreil, Consumer Safety Officer, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

12:30PM – 12:45PM EST Welcome and Session Moderator:

  • Valerie Potopsingh, Retail Food Specialist, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

12:45PM – 2:00PM EST – TCS, or not TCS -That is the Question

Determining if a food requires time and temperature control for safety is often a difficult task. In this interactive session, participants will have the opportunity to find out how well they stack up to other AFDO AEC attendees in assessing Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS) status of some foods commonly found in retail food establishments. Our panel of experts will weigh in on those products sharing their experiences, considerations for making these decisions, and resources to help you to answer the decades-old question of “TCS or Not TCS.”


  • Adam Inman, Assistant Program Manager, Kansas Department of Agriculture


  • Devin K. Dutilly, MS, MPH, CPH, REHS/RS, Consumer Safety Officer, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
  • Donald Schaffner, Distinguished Professor and Extension Specialist, Rutgers University
  • Benjamin Chapman, Professor, Food Safety Specialist, Department of Agricultural and Human Sciences, North Carolina State University, NC Cooperative Extension
  • Brian Nummer, PhD, Professor, Utah State University

2:00PM – 2:15PM EST – Break

2:15PM – 3:15PM EST – FDA Risk Factor Study 2015-2016 Data Collection Results for Delis

FDA’s current ten-year study is designed to provide a means for investigating the relationship between food safety management systems, certified food protection managers, and the occurrence of foodborne illness risk within retail food and foodservice establishments.  This presentation will cover the key findings from the 2015-16 retail food store delis data collection period.  During this session, both regulatory and industry retail food safety professionals will gain important insights into the current strengths and challenges within the nation’s retail food protection system.   


  • Michael Nordos, R.S., Retail Food Specialist, Branch II, U.S. Food & Drug Administration

3:15PM – 3:30PM EST – Break

3:30PM – 4:30PM EST – Retail Program Standards Sharing Session: What’s Your Intervention Strategy

Please join us for this session where retail regulatory agencies will share the findings from their foodborne illness risk factor studies and the intervention strategies that they have implemented to meet Standard 9 of the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards.


  • Lane Drager, Consumer Protection Program Coordinator, Boulder County Public Health, Colorado
  • Meg McGuire, Environmental Health Programs Coordinator, Rockingham County DHHS, North Carolina
  • Mark Speltz, Bureau Chief, Food and Consumer Safety, Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals

12:30PM – 2:00PM EST –  How States are Handling Produce Illness Investigations and Outbreaks

States discuss how they are coordinating with other food regulatory programs, MOUs they have in place, their involvement in a Rapid Response Team (RRT) or Emergency Response Team, how they are currently involved in produce recalls, and how their state handles chemical and physical contamination of produce on farms.


Kristin Esch, Produce Safety Expert, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, CFSAN, PSN


  • Jill Wisehart, Management Analyst, Washington State Department of Agriculture
  • Shelley Phillips, Produce Program Supervisor, California Department of Food and Agriculture
  • Teressa Lopez, PSR Program Director, Arizona Department of Agriculture
  • Joseph Smith, Produce Safety and Dairy Inspector, Michigan State Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

2:00PM – 3:00PM EST – How States are Handling Turnover and Maintaining Good Training Programs as a Result

States discuss the challenges of turnover within their program, plans and strategies they used to overcome the turnover, and how they have maintained a successful training program for remaining and new staff.


Kristin Esch, Produce Safety Expert, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, CFSAN, PSN


  • Scott McClure, FSMA Coordinator, Florida Department of Agriculture-DFV
  • Susanna Pearlstein, Program Manager, Produce Safety, Oregon State Department of Agriculture
  • Kim Carlen, Produce Safety Program Specialist, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
  • Mark Reed, Produce Safety Program Manager, Kentucky Department of Agriculture 

3:00PM – 4:00PM EST – Inspection Frequency and Prioritization

States discuss their inventory numbers, how they are prioritizing their inspections, how PDAT has been used by their program, and if the state plans to conduct additional inspections above the number required by the Produce Cooperative Agreement.


Valerie Gamble, Produce Safety Program Manager, Minnesota Department of Agriculture


  • Rene Nieto, Produce Safety Outreach Specialist, Texas Department of Agriculture
  • Matthew Fout, Produce Safety Manager, Ohio Department of Agriculture
  • Kelly Johnson, Produce Safety Manager, South Carolina Department of Agriculture
  • Vivien Mccurdy, Produce Safety Supervisor, Indiana Department of Health

4:00PM – 4:30PM EST – AFDO Produce Updates and Projects

Hear about the workgroups and ongoing projects of the Produce Committee,  the United Fresh/AFDO Listeria project, and other resources available.

  • Brenda Morris, Director of Produce Safety, Association of Food and Drug Officials

12:30PM – 12:45PM EST – Welcome and Session Moderator:

  • Laurel Arrigona, Regulatory Affairs Rep. 2, Smith + Nephew; Co-Chair, AFDO Body Art Committee; Co-Chair, Body Art Education Alliance

12:45PM – 1:45PM EST – Sterilization, Decontamination, and Single Use Practices

This presentation will offer insight to modern sterilization practices within body art facilities. Topics will include Personal Protective Equipment, Decontamination practices, Equipment maintenance and storage and Single use instruments and storage.


  • John Johnson, OSHA General Industry Trainer, Association of Professional Piercers
  • Selina Medina, Compliance and Education Manager, Body Art Alliance

1:45PM – 2:30PM EST – Permanent Makeup

An in-depth presentation on tattooing as a permanent makeup or microblading procedure.  Understand the tattooing procedure of the manual method of microblading versus an electrical device performing permanent make up.  Although both are tattooing, Pat will present the differences in pigments, saturation levels and expectations with both of these tattooing techniques.


  • Pat Sibley-Gauthier, President, Micro-Pigmentation Centre Inc.

2:30PM – 2:45PM EST – Break

2:45PM – 4:30PM EST – Panel Question and Answer Session

Participate in a discussion with professionals in the body art industry and regulators where they will be discussing what is happening in the body art industry across the country.

  • Matt Bavougian, Owner Onyx Piercing Studio; Co-Chair, Body Art Education Alliance
  • Michael Crea, R.S., Owner of Z-Edge Piercing Inc., Executive Director, Florida Environmental Health Association, Body Piercing, BLS, CPR & Bloodborne Pathogens Trainer
  • Kathy Hartman, BS, REHS; OSHA Authorized General Industry Trainer; Owner, Body Art Training Group
  • Steve Joyner, Body Art Compliance; Co-Chair, National Environmental Health Association Body Art Committee; Member, AFDO Body Art Committee; Member/former Board Member, Association of Professional Piercers
  • John Misock, Senior Consultant, Ceutical Labs Inc.
  • Cathy Montie, Body Art Educational Consultant, Cathy Montie Body Art Training Company

Tab 1 content.

Moderator: Lezli Engelking, Founder, FOCUS, The Cannabis Health and Safety Organization

12:30PM – 1:30PM EST- Hemp in Food

  • Steve Carmody, Environmental Manager, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Food Safety
  • Tenesha Stubblefield, Consumable Hemp Program Lead, DIA Food and Consumer Safety Bureau

1:30PM – 2:30PM EST – Cannabinoid Analogs and their Regulatory Challenges: Delta-8 THC, Delta-10, THC-v, and more

  • Michael McQueeny, Counsel/Professor, Foley Hoag LLP/New York Law School
  • Greg Gerdeman, Neuroscientist
  • Brett Goldman, Public Policy

2:30PM – 3:30PM EST – Health Canada Update

  • TBD

3:00PM – 3:30PM EST – Cannabis Lab Challenges

  • Sherman Hom, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Cannabis Laboratory Challenges, Medicinal Genomics

3:30PM – 4:30PM ET – Lessons Learned:  What I Wish I Had Known

  • Hezakiah Allen, Director of Education, A Therapeutic Alternative
  • Steve Bevan, Partner, O’Can Group
  • Erin Kennedy, Vice President & Certification Director, Focus – Foundation of Cannabis Unified Standards

Tab 2 content.

Friday, June 18, 2021

1:00PM – 1:30PM EST – Tour of Cultivation Facility with Q&A

1:30PM – 2:00PM EST – Tour of Laboratory with Q&A

2:00PM – 2:30PM EST – Virtual Tour of a Cannabis Cultivation Facility

2:30PM – 3:00PM EST – Tour of Manufacturing Extraction Facility with Q&A

3:00PM – 3:30PM EST – Tour of Dispensary with Q&A

This program is supported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award R13FD006980 totaling $50,000 with 50% percentage funded by FDA/HHS and $50,000 amount and 50% percentage funded by non-government source(s). The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by FDA/HHS, or the U.S. Government.