The Seven Deadly Sins Of Meetings
April 14, 2020
Mark Murphy, Chairman & CEO Leadership IQ
There are seven reasons why meetings are so painful, and seven ways to transform meetings into engaging, productive and exciting forums for breakthrough thinking.
“I spend half my life in meetings, and I hate them!” Most leaders dread meetings. They’re unfocused, people are unprepared, the most important issues get shortchanged, and while we’re stuck in meetings our real work is piling up at our desks. And worst of all, they never seem to get better.
When you attend this 1-hour webinar event, you’ll learn…
- How a Statement of Achievement eliminates 17 minutes from your meetings
- Cutting-edge techniques like the No Homework Meeting
- Get everyone to stop treating meetings as a free resource to be wasted and start treating meetings like an expensive resource to be invested wisely
- Make any meeting productive by creating a Statement of Achievement
- Learn exactly which meetings should not be held
- Get everyone to show-up prepared and ready to be insightful
- How you should prioritize your meeting to maximize the group’s energy and attention
- Eliminate the real reason why critics, mimics, comics, bullies and worriers attend your meetings
- Stop writing long-winded minutes and start writing actionable Decision Grids
- 3 questions to ask at every meeting to improve every meeting
- Learn exactly which meetings should not be held