AMC Diamond

AMC Trainer Toolbox

Explore the workshop training materials available to order for your upcoming courses.

Order at least 14 days before course start. Earlier orders recommended. Shipping delays may occur.

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IMPORTANT: As a trainer, you’ll be expected to facilitate conversations and topics related to AMC, so a majority of the materials below will reference you as a facilitator, or as part of a facilitation team.

Course Kits

AMC Course Kit (with posters)


AMC Course Kit (without posters)

Optional Add-Ons

AMC Certificate (Issued by AFDO)


AMC Learning Toolkit (add-on)


AMC Participant Guide (add-on)


AMC Poster Pack (add-on)


AMC Trainer Guide (add-on)


IMPORTANT: In AMC workshops, you are primarily a facilitator, not a lecturer. Your role (no matter what you’re called – moderator, instructor, trainer, or host) is to guide discussions and help participants learn from each other, drawing out the group’s collective wisdom. In some course materials, “trainer” and “facilitator” may be used interchangeably, but both refer to a facilitative approach to learning.

Electronic resources will be made available after your training materials purchase